From: Ken McArthur

Beta Member,

So .... I'm going to do a launch soon, but it's not quite ready. The system is ready, the materials all loaded into a membership site, but I'm fine-tuning the sales page and packing in a large group of highly relevant bonuses. I'll be bringing in jv partners to promote and as you know by now, my process is 3 months to develop a product and then 3 solid months to build a launch -- if you want to do it right. (and this launch I want to do right.)

Right now I'm looking for a very small group of Beta Testers for this system, because I want CURRENT testimonials.

The FIRST testimonial I got from this system was from a guy just starting out who did over a $100,000 in revenue in just 7 days - after working his tail off for 90 days! That's DEFINITELY not a typical success story and I want untypical success stories!

No Product, No JV Partners, No Large List—
No Problem!

When I met Sterling, he was still struggling to find the kind of success that most marketers reach for, but always seem to fall short of achieving. But he did the one thing ALL new marketers should do—he asked for help. 

He knew he couldn't get where he wanted entirely by himself.

Sterling approached me on that Saturday night in November and we talked. In fact, we talked from 9PM until 2:30AM in the morning. 

Sterling explained how he finally realized that he needed help and he wanted me to mentor him on his project. He shared his goals with me, his ideas, his dreams.

And his timing couldn't have been better. I explained to him how I was planning a product of my own. My product would teach anyone—even a total newbie starting from scratch with no product, no joint venture partners, and next to no list—how to develop a viable (and profitable) info product and bring it to market successfully. 

That product was Info Product Blueprint.

(You may have guessed by now, this site is all about Info Product Blueprint.)

Keep in mind that I've worked with many of the biggest names in Internet marketing for years. Heck, they're on my speed dial AND they accept my calls. 

I've advised marketers at every level, brokered deals, been directly responsible for helping people earn millions of dollars of income on the Internet. I can honestly say that I've had my fingers in nearly every aspect of Internet marketing. 

Yet, in all my years, I never deliberately set out to mentor someone from start to finish. 

I wanted to prove I could transfer my marketing knowledge and experience to a newbie, and take them from zero to 60 in record time.

Sterling Valentine Reveals How He Earned
“Over $100,000 In One Week With
Ken’s Info Product Blueprint
—From My Very First Product!”

Last fall, I wanted to get free from my job and get into Internet Marketing full time. I had a lot of unfinished projects laying around, but success had eluded me up until then because I was missing the blueprint. What I was doing simply wasn't working, and I got sick of wasting time trying to figure out the formula for myself.

That's when I met Ken and realized that he understood how infoproduct development works on the internet. He shared his Info Product Blueprint with me and I used it to create and launch my own product from scratch and generate over $100,000 in a little over 90 days. Ken's blueprint and guidance made my success possible, and I'm so glad he's finally decided to share it with the world.

Now you've got the same opportunity to transform your life that I did. Imagine how it would feel to quit your job forever. That fantasy is a reality for me today. I'm finally free to pursue the life I always wanted to lead. Ken's blueprint showed me the way. Isn't it time YOU created your own information product?

If you're serious about succeeding, then you realize that you've only got three choices: you can do nothing, you can try to figure it all out and do it yourself, or you can get help. I can't think of a better way to reach your own success than following Ken's Infoproduct Blueprint. I decided to get help from Ken and look what it did for me!

Remember… your dreams can come true. I'm living proof. If you're ready to claim your own Internet Marketing success, then please don't miss your chance to grab Ken's amazing course. This might very well be the opportunity you've been waiting for. Take advantage of it!”

Sterling Valentine

Sterling Valentine -- Marketing Guinea Pig

Now here was Sterling—ready, willing, and able to take massive action—but lacking the guidance and structure that someone with my years of experience could provide. 

And I needed a relative newbie who would put my plan to work, someone willing to become my “proof of concept” test pilot. 

I needed a "marketing guinea pig".

Sterling made a challenge to me that night: If I would mentor him, then he would help me by documenting his progress on video from beginning to end, and beyond. 

The fact that, until now, no one had completely documented a project like this only made it more appealing.

The video documentary would became the core of Info Product Blueprint and stand as proof that I could deliver as a mentor and teacher. 

It would remove the mystery of what it takes to succeed in Internet marketing. 

And it would prove to any beginner that success is possible if you have the right coach to guide you.

The timing worked perfectly for both of us. Our goals were in sync. And a new joint venture was born. 

The rest, as you can see in the sales report above, is history. Sterling hit his goal and I am now bringing Info Product Blueprint to you.

But now I want TODAY'S testimonials for the big launch that will be coming in the next 3 months.

Because this system covers everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about creating and profiting from information products. The original system sold for over $1,200 in a physical package that was HUGE and completely sold out the first run in 7 days.

This time the system is going to be delivered online in a membership site because it can continually be updated with new materials and this time the projected cost for LIFETIME access is only $97.

If you're tired of hearing how everyone else is making a killing on the Internet, of hearing about "making money in your underwear", and about how easy it is to create "automated income" and ("multiple streams" of it, too)... 

...while feeling that you still don't have the whole picture... 

...this may be the letter you've been hoping for. The reason:

You're right. You haven't had the whole picture. 

Or - more accurately - you haven't had the whole blueprint.

That's what our "total newbie" in the headline discovered. You'll get his complete story (and proof of his earnings) in just a bit.

Right now, you might be interested to know...

Why So Many Of Us Struggle

Everywhere you turn, some marketing guru is promoting THE NEXT BIG THING that will transform thousands of people into overnight millionaires. 

We buy. We're buying the hope that this time, we may get the final pieces of the puzzle.

Is it because we're being "lied to" by the experts and their systems? 

I don't think so.

Is it because people are lazy and never open their shiny new information products?

Maybe, in some cases. But that's not the case for many of us.

For many of use, the truth is we try all the new stuff that comes along, and for some reason it just doesn't seem to work.

Does that sound familiar? Then get ready for the startling truth.

The truth is…

You Never Had A Chance!

Imagine you're going to build a house.

You've never built a house before; the most you've ever done is build a doghouse or perhaps even a garden shed.

Now, when it came to planning your very complex building project, which would you do (you can only choose one):

  1. Just try to do it yourself through trial and error.

  2. Get a book of "Housebuilding tips" from an experienced builder.

  3. Get a book on electricity, and one on plumbing, and just "figure out" the rest yourself.

  4. Or...get a full set of blueprints and some instructional videos.

Which of the above four options makes the most sense?

I bet you agree with me on this one...

You Don't Build A Complex Structure (or Business) Without A Detailed Set Of Blueprints

Building an Internet business can be just as complex as building house.

To build a strong, safe, and sound structure, you need good solid plans. Tested methods and standards.

You need the benefit of the experience of builders who came before you.

Yet that's not the way we try to build our Internet businesses...

Often, we set out to build a business with information about only a few of the facets of our business; and we're often missing critical components or information (imagine, for example, trying to build a house and having all the parts -- except the nails!).

This is not your fault -- the truth is, our online marketing communities encourage this kind of approach...

We love the smorgasbord of information.

Today we're interested in Adsense.

Tomorrow there is a great new product that explains the power of well-crafted email marketing.

Next week, it will be something about how to attract natural search engine traffic...

And there is nothing wrong with all that.


All of it is useless (maybe even dangerous) if you don't have the blueprint that ties it all together.

Here's the reason I'm writing this letter...

I have the blueprint.

Yes, There Is A Formula

Stay with me for a moment.

We've all heard about the "formulas". The "traffic formula". The "conversion formula". The "blog and ping" formula. etc.

And I am not saying they're all wrong.

Because most of the time, they're not.

They're simply incomplete.

When you have the entire blueprint formula for creating information products, you can indeed create income on demand, and build a real business from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you choose to work from).

You might wonder, "Why is it nobody has told me about this 'complete formula" before?"

Or (more likely) you're thinking, "Sure, Ken. You're just the latest in long line of guys who promise to finally give me the 'secrets'.

I respectfully submit that I am different. And I can prove it...

Proof I Can Help You

I like to believe that most people are good at heart, so I don't think anyone would deliberately withhold the secret to making the big bucks online. 

And many of the people I've met during my years in Internet marketing have some of the biggest hearts. 

The problem is, despite their best intentions, there are so many different ways to make money that most beginners are overwhelmed by a multitude of choices.

It's common for people to forget what it was like to be a newbie. 

That's why at my jvAlert Live! event in Philadelphia, I accepted a challenge from a young man, named Sterling Valentine (he's the total newbie I mentioned at the start of this letter).

If you don't know who Sterling Valentine is, he's an Internet marketer who—with my help—went from ZERO to over $100,000 in sales in 92 days with his Joint Venture Formula info product. 

And he made that $100,000 in sales ($101,153 to be precise) in about one week. Here's the proof:


Info Products—Your Key To Fast And Lasting Wealth On The Internet

What makes info products the darlings of Internet marketing? Quite simply, info products have been responsible for more Internet marketing success stories than any other product or income strategy:

  • When people need information, they head for the Internet. And they will gladly trade money for information if you can solve their problems or satisfy their needs.
  • Info products can be developed quickly. In many cases, you can have a product ready to sell in less than a few days. Traditional offline publishers typically take 6 months to a year to release a book. This means you can have a number of products ready in a very short time AND you can beat the big boys to market.
  • Your info products can target small, but profitable, niches virtually ignored by the big corporate publishers.
  • They can often be created (or found) at a cost of ZERO dollars, but produce an income that many doctors and lawyers would envy.
  • No warehousing or shipping department is required, especially for downloadable info products. But we'll show you how to avoid the warehousing and shipping hassles, even if your product has a physical component like DVDs, CDs, and workbooks.
  • The right info product can establish you as an expert in your niche, opening the door to more products and profits. Wouldn't you like to be the 800-lb gorilla of your niche?
  • When you launch an info product properly, you create additional opportunities for income by attracting JV partners who will want you to sell their products, too. Many marketers earn more money selling other people's products than they do selling their own.
  • Multi-million-dollar companies have been founded by a single info product. Can yours be next?
  • You can build your info product business in many different ways. You can sell a single product for $5000 or sell hundreds, even thousands of smaller products like $27 ebooks—or a broad mix of different products at different price points. Build the business that meets your needs and your pace.

You can see the obvious appeal of info products. Low margins, high profits. Just about the ideal business.

So which parts of the blueprint might you be missing?

And if you had those "pages" of the plans...could you finally make the money you dream of?

Joel Comm

Don't Build Your Business
Without A Plan

“You wouldn't try building a house without a plan. And you shouldn't attempt to build your online business without a plan either. That's why I wholeheartedly recommend Ken McArthur and the Info Product Blueprint. Ken has been the force behind several popular information product launches, including Sterling Valentine's JV Formula, and he has demonstrated the credibility and authority to teach his strategies to others. I'd pay very close attention to what Ken has to say in the Info Product Blueprint as it could make the entire difference in whether your product flops or flies.

Treat Your Info Products Like A Business,
And Your Business Will Treat You Right

Info products are nothing new. 

Before the Internet, people made millions selling info products. Boardroom and Nightingale-Conant built their empires with course packages of books, audio tapes, and video tapes. 

The Internet merely made it easier and lowered the cost of entry.

And therein lies the problem. Anyone can create an info product. Just look at ClickBank and the thousands of info products for sale there. Many of the folks selling products on Clickbank barely make enough  money to cover their hosting costs.

Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with those people.

Most are smart, hard-working, and energetic (I mean, heck -- the actually went out and took some action, right?).

The problem for those people who never seem to get ahead is in the HOW. Many people learn just enough to take action. In fact, they're told that taking action is a good thing, that those who take action are the winners.

And that's correct -- mostly.

Mike Filsaime

Open The Doors To Your Potential!

“Hi, This is Mike Filsaime. I was on board with the Info Product Blueprint the day Ken told me about the concept. Ken came to my office here in Long Island and I had a chance to get an inside glimpse of the gold he is bringing to every person looking to finally make money online. I had a chance to personally witness a life transformation already with one of his students. That hand-picked person was a total newbie and is now an top Internet Guru and speaking across the world at events. His dream has come true... Now it can be your turn too. So if you are looking for the keys to open the doors to your dream potential, Ken has them ready for you here. Make sure you are ready. ”

Taking Action Is Not Enough -- You Must
Take The Right Action

Suppose you enter a long distance marathon, like the Boston marathon. 

You're lined up with thousands of other runners, waiting for the starting gun to go off. 

And when that shot rings out, you turn around and run in the opposite direction—away from the finish line instead of toward it. 

You've taken action, but are you likely to win, or even finish the race?

Of course not. 

But that's exactly what happens when you create and sell an info product without a plan. You're running away from your goal, away from the money, and away from everything that money can bring.

With proper planning and support, you'll create an info product that goes to work for you. 

It becomes part of a system designed to pull money toward you in ever-increasing amounts. 

That's when you'll earn money even while you're on vacation or sleeping.

And that's the secret the world-class Internet marketers know. 

Now it's your turn to get the same edge they have.

That's what happened for our "total newbie...

No Product, No JV Partners, No Large List—
No Problem!

When I met Sterling, he was still struggling to find the kind of success that most marketers reach for, but always seem to fall short of achieving. But he did the one thing ALL new marketers should do—he asked for help. 

He knew he couldn't get where he wanted entirely by himself.

Sterling approached me on that Saturday night in November and we talked. In fact, we talked from 9PM until 2:30AM in the morning. 

Sterling explained how he finally realized that he needed help and he wanted me to mentor him on his project. He shared his goals with me, his ideas, his dreams.

And his timing couldn't have been better. I explained to him how I was planning a product of my own. My product would teach anyone—even a total newbie starting from scratch with no product, no joint venture partners, and next to no list—how to develop a viable (and profitable) info product and bring it to market successfully. 

That product was Info Product Blueprint.

(You may have guessed by now, this site is all about Info Product Blueprint.)

Keep in mind that I've worked with many of the biggest names in Internet marketing for years. Heck, they're on my speed dial AND they accept my calls. 

I've advised marketers at every level, brokered deals, been directly responsible for helping people earn millions of dollars of income on the Internet. I can honestly say that I've had my fingers in nearly every aspect of Internet marketing. 

Yet, in all my years, I never deliberately set out to mentor someone from start to finish. 

I wanted to prove I could transfer my marketing knowledge and experience to a newbie, and take them from zero to 60 in record time.

Sterling Valentine Reveals How He Earned
“Over $100,000 In One Week With
Ken’s Info Product Blueprint
—From My Very First Product!”

Last fall, I wanted to get free from my job and get into Internet Marketing full time. I had a lot of unfinished projects laying around, but success had eluded me up until then because I was missing the blueprint. What I was doing simply wasn't working, and I got sick of wasting time trying to figure out the formula for myself.

That's when I met Ken and realized that he understood how infoproduct development works on the internet. He shared his Info Product Blueprint with me and I used it to create and launch my own product from scratch and generate over $100,000 in a little over 90 days. Ken's blueprint and guidance made my success possible, and I'm so glad he's finally decided to share it with the world.

Now you've got the same opportunity to transform your life that I did. Imagine how it would feel to quit your job forever. That fantasy is a reality for me today. I'm finally free to pursue the life I always wanted to lead. Ken's blueprint showed me the way. Isn't it time YOU created your own information product?

If you're serious about succeeding, then you realize that you've only got three choices: you can do nothing, you can try to figure it all out and do it yourself, or you can get help. I can't think of a better way to reach your own success than following Ken's Infoproduct Blueprint. I decided to get help from Ken and look what it did for me!

Remember… your dreams can come true. I'm living proof. If you're ready to claim your own Internet Marketing success, then please don't miss your chance to grab Ken's amazing course. This might very well be the opportunity you've been waiting for. Take advantage of it!”

Sterling Valentine

Sterling Valentine -- Marketing Guinea Pig

Now here was Sterling—ready, willing, and able to take massive action—but lacking the guidance and structure that someone with my years of experience could provide. 

And I needed a relative newbie who would put my plan to work, someone willing to become my “proof of concept” test pilot. 

I needed a "marketing guinea pig".

Sterling made a challenge to me that night: If I would mentor him, then he would help me by documenting his progress on video from beginning to end, and beyond. 

The fact that, until now, no one had completely documented a project like this only made it more appealing.

The video documentary would became the core of Info Product Blueprint and stand as proof that I could deliver as a mentor and teacher. 

It would remove the mystery of what it takes to succeed in Internet marketing. 

And it would prove to any beginner that success is possible if you have the right coach to guide you.

The timing worked perfectly for both of us. Our goals were in sync. And a new joint venture was born. 

The rest, as you can see in the sales report above, is history. Sterling hit his goal and I am now bringing Info Product Blueprint to you.

The Ultimate Info Product Business Course:
If You Can't Find It Here, 
Then You Don't Need It! 

Sterling describes Info Product Blueprint as a “complete Internet Marketing Encyclopedia.” 

Others who have previewed the package call it “an Internet Marketing University in a box.” 

Maybe “university” is closer to the truth, because when you pop the flaps on this hefty carton, you'll meet a faculty of 45 marketing “professors,” representing a full range of skills, experience, and specialties. If it's related to info products, you'll find it in this box.

But don't let the imposing bulk of Info Product Blueprint intimidate you. 

We didn't stuff this package with junk content just to fill the box. We kept it lean. Yeah, it's still a big box, but there's not an ounce of fat anywhere.

That was one of my critical requirements when I set out to create Info Product Blueprint: Comprehensive, but manageable. I needed to cover the entire info product process, but make it simple and easy to follow.

And when I say the entire process, I mean EVERYTHING. 

That included all phases of creating and preparing the product for market—from market research, product creation, and copywriting, to outsourcing and fulfillment. 

Then there was the launch-building side—scheduling and tracking all phases of the launch, while generating buzz and attracting JV partners and affiliates. 

At the same time, we continue to work on your business, putting in the foundation that will take you beyond your first info product and into a real, long-term, high-income business. 

Willie Crawford

Tells You HOW To Do It

“Hi, This is Willie Crawford. I'm part of the Info Product Blueprint because I believe that my clients and friends need a comprehensive, step-by-step guide teaching them how to put together a quality info product that they can sell and make a lot of money. Too many of the products out there tell you what to do, but not HOW to do it. Info Product Blueprint fills that void nicely. I know that this product will set records… Don't you miss out on this big opportunity. Go ahead and sign up now... you'll thank me later!”

Learn At The Pace That Suits You Best

And despite the sheer volume of information I wanted to include, I knew I had to keep it practical and accessible. That's why I set out to create a program flexible enough to accommodate different learning styles and levels of expertise. 

Forget wading through hours of audio recordings to find that tiny nugget of wisdom. The combination of our video and audio, easy-to-use workbook, and complete transcriptions lets you pick the method of learning that works best for you

If you want to start at the beginning and watch every second of video, hang onto every syllable on the audios, and devour every last word in the workbook—well, go ahead. 

Likewise, if you've already put most of the pieces together,  but need to fill in a few crucial gaps that are keeping you from reaching your goals, then take only what you need.

Want help finding the right niche with plenty of hungry prospects? You can get that help quickly and easily. What about the right way to build a list of proven buyers, the kind who will enthusiastically stuff your bank account to overflowing? You'll find out how in minutes. 

My team of experts and I organized Info Product Blueprint to deliver... 


Rick Raddatz

“I’m Going To Be Adding Info Products Into My Mix”

“Hi, Rick Raddatz here. CEO and founder of Now I’m actually not an info marketer. I don’t have any info products of my own, but guess what, I am starting today. I just attended one of Ken’s events and I’ve decided that I’m going to be creating some high-end info products because I am jealous of the profit margins, I am jealous of the longevity of the products, I am jealous of the sales rates info products sell. They sell because they are valuable to the people who buy them and that value allows them to get great value and it allows you to keep some value for yourself. So I’m going to be adding info products into my mix. So that’s my decision. You decide for yourself. If you have a book in you, basically an info product is the way to realize the most value from that knowledge. You can sell that same content in a book in the store for $14, you keep $1 of it OR you can basically publish it on your own with Ken’s help. All of the information in his blueprint can help you put that same information into a form that you can sell for $1.97, $5.97, $9.97, you pick the price point. You can make money with that. That’s what my plan is. So go ahead and check out all of the other information on this page and then make your decision.…”

The Best And The Brightest—Working For You

I've been around since the “Dark Ages” of Internet marketing, and I'll admit that I know the lay of the land pretty well. I'm sure that, given enough time (and there's NEVER enough of that) I could have put together a respectable course on info product marketing.

But “respectable” wasn't what I had in mind. I wanted to create the “definitive” info product course. This course would be the one that every marketer with even the slightest clue would keep within arm's reach of their computer.

And to create such a course, I needed to draw on the best and brightest minds. So I picked up the phone and started calling in favors. And I wasn't taking “No” for an answer.

By the time I was finished, I had assembled my Dream Team:

Mike Ambrosio
Michael Angier
Ben Blakesley
JoAnna Brandi
Amie Brooks
Gail Buckley
Bob Chambers
Craig Childs
Tim Cleaveland
Willie Crawford
Alysan Delaney-Childs
Ann DeVere
John Di Lemme
Brian Edmondson
Mike Enos
Mike Filsaime

Reed Floren
Carl Galletti
Rosalyn Gardner
Dan Giordano
Sid Hale
Rocket Helstrom
Gary Knuckles
Mike Koenigs
Peter Koning
Simon Leung
Hal Macomber
Fabio Marciano
Mary Mazzullo
Ken McArthur
Curlan Moore
Xavier Nelson

Michael Port
Lisa Preston
Rick Raddatz
Adam Rays
Brent Ridgeway
Bob Silber
Yanik Silver
Anik Singal
Frank Sousa
Lori Steffen
Case Stevens
Jeff Wark
Brenda Zimbardi
Eddie Zimbardi

Everything You Need in One Complete Package

Section One - The Making of Joint Venture Formula - Complete 6 Video Set

This Video set documents how I helped Sterling Valentine go from an Internet marketing rookie with no product, no partners, and no large mailing list to an “ instant” Internet marketing celebrity. Now you can see the entire process, behind the scenes, documented “as it happened.”

Section Two - Skill Set Videos - Complete 8 Video Set

  • Launching With Style—Mike Filsaime
  • Copywriting Basics—Carl Galletti
  • Internet Infomercials 101—Mike Koenigs
  • Selling Your Products—John Di Lemme
  • Photography for Info Products—Mary Mazullo
  • The 7 Steps for Creating Remarkable Projects—Michael Port
  • Two Complete VIDEOs on Outsourcing Info Product Creation—Frank Sousa

Section Three - Skill Set Audio Audios - Complete 6 Audio Set with full printed transcripts

  • Using Audio and Video to Sell Info Products—Rick Raddatz
  • Selling Info Products on Ebay—Mike Enos
  • Building Content for Info Products—Lori Steffen & Jeff Wark
  • Customer Service for Info Products—JoAnna Brandi
  • How Live Seminars and Events Help You Create and Sell Info Products—Mike Ambrosio
  • Legal Issues to Consider When Creating and Selling Info Products—Bob Silber

Section Four - Case Study Audio Audios - Complete 5 Audio Set with full printed transcripts

  • Surefire Marketing Launches—Yanik Silver
  • The Affiliate Manager Launch—Anik Singal
  • Super Affiliate Handbook Launch—Rosalyn Gardner
  • Wedding Firesale Launch—Willie Crawford
  • E-Book Launch—Frank Sousa

Section Five - MASSIVE 674-Page, Comprehensive Info Product Blueprint Workbook and Action Plan

Module 1: Brainstorming And Research

  1. Determine Your Objectives
  2. Fill A Need
  3. Research Your Market
  4. Research Your Competition
  5. Research Your Keywords
  6. Selecting A Delivery Method
  7. Name Your Project And Pick Your Domain Name
  8. Product Descriptions And Messaging Points
  9. Write Your Sales Page
  10. Consider Your Timing
  11. Pricing
  12. Select Backend Products
  13. Create An Action Plan

Module 2: How To Build Your Content

  1. It’s Your Turn
  2. Content Is King
  3. Good Content
  4. Why Should You Create Content?
  5. Uses Of Content
  6. Why You Don’t Create Content?
  7. It’s Time for Some Fun Idea Building
  8. Article Building – The Start
  9. Article Magic Technique
  10. Content Creation As You Talk
  11. Public Domain
  12. Private Label Rights
  13. Stealing Someone Else’s Content For Profit
  14. How To Make Money With Rebrandable And Source Code Software And Scripts

Module 3: Product Development

  1. Creating E-Books FAST!
  2. Adding Audio To Your Website
  3. Adding Video To Your Website
  4. How To Create Screen Captures
  5. How To Create Teleseminars
  6. Preparing Teleseminar Audio For A Professional
  7. Why Paying For Content Just Makes Sense

Module 4: Packaging

  1. How To Create Photographs
  2. Graphic Design Advice That May Save Your Life…Or At Least Your Project
  3. Exploring Your Packaging Options
  4. Doing It All Yourself

Module 5: Copywriting

  1. The Personal Touch
  2. Headlines
  3. Subheads
  4. Format and Layout
  5. Stories
  6. Testimonials
  7. Keyword-Rich Copy
  8. Reading Level
  9. Attention Span

Module 6: Designing Your Website

  1. Websites That Sell
  2. How To Capture Leads
  3. How To Work With Autoresponders
  4. Forums
  5. Blogs
  6. Google AdWords For Info Products

Module 7: Selling And Delivering The Product

  1. Making Sure The Order Goes Through
  2. Product Fulfillment

Module 8: Affiliate Programs And Joint Ventures

  1. Setting Up An Affiliate Program
  2. How to Leverage Your Assets With Joint Ventures

Module 9: Launching With Style

  1. Launch Overview
  2. Defining Launch Objectives
  3. Building Buzz
  4. Attracting Partners
  5. “But Wait There’s More…”
  6. Growing The List
  7. Public Relations
  8. Social Proof
  9. What Can Go Wrong

Module 10: Follow-up And Customer Support

  1. Follow-Up
  2. Customer Support
  3. How To Keep Building Your Backend For Repeat Sales
  4. Promoting by Email


That's 14 Videos, 11 Audios and the massive 674-page Workbook & Action Plan.

The Best Start You Could Have

I know how tough it can be to get started in Internet marketing. I've been there myself and I've watched hundreds go through every phase.

They invest time, sweat, and sleepless nights—all the time wrestling with the uncertainty of "Is it really worth it?" And then there's the money, the price of admission. 

Everyone has something they want to sell you, and it all sounds good. So you buy, and buy, and buy, but that promised payday never seems to arrive.

It's truly heartbreaking to watch someone go through this. But it's even worse to see them give up. Especially for someone like me who knows how good life can be for those who "make it."

That's why I finally decided to create Info Product Blueprint. 

I saw how desperately new marketers needed guidance. So I went back to the basics, where Internet marketing started—info products. 

And I decided this had to be the most complete info product business-building package anyone ever created. This package had to provide EVERYTHING you could possibly need to create and launch a winning info product.

Why did it need to be so complete? Could I make more money selling you several specialized products? Of course I could. And many people do exactly that. I won't fault them for it. But I want to improve the odds that you will succeed. So, Info Product Blueprint needed to be a comprehensive plan that any serious marketer could afford.

When I set out to create Info Product Blueprint, I didn't have a price in mind. Instead my team and I focused on making it the best course in info products that had ever been created. I decided to worry about price later.

Once we had completed Internet Product Blueprint, I started showing it to the other experts. I asked them for their honest opinions about what it was worth. 

Many of these top guns were blown away by how much I had packed into one course. 

Mike Filsaime flat-out told me to put a price tag of $3997 on it. 

He argued that if someone went out and bought all the packages they needed to cover what we've included in Internet Product Blueprint, they'd have to spend six to ten thousand dollars! 

Save thousands of dollars by purchasing a single package? To Mike, $3997 was a no-brainer bargain.

I was stunned. Four grand for my course? I respect Mike as a marketer, and his Butterfly marketing strategies are pure genius. But I couldn't charge $3997 for Info Product Blueprint. It was too much to ask from people who were still getting started.

So I agonized, I sweated, and I hashed over my Excel spreadsheets, checking my costs and expenses. 

Finally, I arrived at a number I could live with: $1497.

Maybe I'm crazy (my wife would certainly agree), but I wanted you to have Info Product Blueprint for $1497, so that's the price I went with.

And we sold out the entire first run of the physical product in less than 14 days.

I know it's still worth more than $1497 today. And everyone who bought the original package agrees.

But $1497 no longer fits in with my vision of making Internet marketing a reality for more people. Many wide-screen TVs cost more, but won't help you buy that house you always wanted or put your kids through college. I want to change lives with Info Product Blueprint. And yours is one of them.

I could spend another several hundred words telling you exactly how many dollars the parts of Info Product Blueprint are worth, but I'm sure you've read plenty of sales letters and seen the ridiculous numbers people come up with.

That's not my style. 

I told you what we've packed into these 11 Videos, 14 Audios, and a stack of dead trees (plus the three group coaching calls) that sold out for $1497. 

If you can't see the value of building a business that gives you freedom and a lifestyle that any doctor or lawyer would envy, then I'm finished, and I wish you good luck. Really.

Carl Galletti

“This Is Something That Is Really Going To Bring You Back Many, Many Times Your Investment”

“Hi, my name is Carl Galletti of and I’m just here to highly recommend the Info Product Blueprint product. I’ve seen it myself. It’s a huge package. It’s got lots of really good necessary information for anybody who wants to produce an info product, which I highly recommend because those are the most profitable and the easiest to get started. In this package you have all the step-by-step procedures you’ll need to make a successful product over and over and over again. You’ll be able to reuse the stuff and make dozens, hundreds of successful products if you like. There’s good quality information, a lot of behind-the-door secrets that are revealed and to just show you exactly what you need to do to produce a very successful product. Ken McArthur has put together a fantastic package with a lot of top contributors in the area and this is something that is really going to bring you back many, many times your investment. So I highly recommend doing it! Thanks.”

We're Taking Away The Excuses

Ultimately, Info Product Blueprint is about removing the roadblocks to your success.

If you're reading this page, odds are you’re not where you want to be. And there's a reason for that, probably a few of them.

That's the real reason I created Info Product Blueprint. I wanted to eliminate the excuses, the obstacles, the little glitches that can grind your progress to a halt. Over the years I've watched the big players go from clueless, rank newbies to the superstars they are today. I was there when they stumbled and fell. And maybe I was one of the "coaches" who helped them get back up and on the right track again.

You probably won't believe me, but you're a lot closer to accomplishing your goals than you might think. By making a few key adjustments, you can see your income skyrocket in only a few months.

It really happens. 

One gentleman I now consider my friend came to a jvAlert Live! event in Philadelphia. He had stalled out at $1200 per month on the Internet. 

He desperately wanted to leave a job he hated so he could spend more time with his family and give them the quality of life they deserved. With the right help from me and others, he has already surpassed $10,000 per month. He's quit that job he hated and he's preparing his own product launch, which he expects will top $150,000. That gentleman's name is Louis Burleson and you can read his story here:

Louis Burleson

“It’s Resulted In Phenomenal Growth In My Business”

“…I was making about $1,200 a month but I knew I needed more growth and I just didn’t know how to get there…With Ken’s help, I have now managed to implement more structure, more continuity, more profit, I’ve got plans for back-end products down the line, just an entire transformation of my business. I’ve got a product launch coming up in a few weeks and we stand to make about $150,000 off of that in about a 7-day period. All of this is thanks to Ken and the Info Product Blueprint."

"I know a lot of you are going to be intimidated by the size of this package – it’s really huge, but the good thing is that I’ve only really scratched the surface and used just a few of the strategies that are discussed in it and it’s resulted in phenomenal growth in my business and in my knowledge.”

30-Day Absolutely No-Risk
100% Money-Back Guarantee

Take a full 30 days to put Info Product Blueprint to work for you. 

If you can't easily follow the simple, step-by-step process that takes all the guesswork and risk out of creating your own profitable info product business, then blame it on me and get a full refund. 

 I'm so convinced that Info Product Blueprint will change lives for the better that I want you to have every cent back if it's not right for you. That's only fair.

Again, if you don't feel I've delivered the goods, let me know. No questions asked. It's that simple.

No matter where in the development curve you are, there are solutions waiting for you in Info Product Blueprint.

  • Not sure how to set up an affiliate program or joint venture? It's in here.
  • Intimidated by the idea of producing Videos? You'll learn all the ins and outs to make it completely painless.
  • No idea what product is right for you or how to create one? Here’s where you start. We'll show you step-by-step how to identify niches with hungry customers and give them exactly what they want. You don't need to be a famous expert to sell information products.
  • Questions about product fulfillment—printing, warehousing, packing, and shipping? Don't know who to trust? Don't worry, we'll show you the ropes.
  • All thumbs when it comes to technology? You can still make as much money as the geekiest tech-head on the Web. You'll learn the easy ways to use technology like audio and video. We'll also show you amazingly cheap ways to find people to handle the tech for you.
  • Confused about how to write copy that gets people to open their wallets and demand your product? We brought in one of the big guns to show you exactly how to write copy that will put money in your bank account. We won't promise to make you a world-class copywriter, but you will produce copy that works.
  • Afraid you're a nobody and you won't find JV partners or affiliates for your product? You don't need to be famous to build a successful affiliate program. You'll learn how to make yourself and your product very attractive to high-powered affiliates who can move tons of product for you.
  • Had problems launching your product in the past? You'll discover all the common and not-so-common launch problems and how to avoid them. We'll show you how to debug your launch—in advance—so everything goes smoothly.
  • Overwhelmed by the whole idea of creating and launching an info product? Take a deep breath and relax. Follow our friendly, step-by-step instructions at your own pace and you'll see just how do-able info products are. Info Product Blueprint is a true "business in a box." No experience necessary.
  • Just can't seem to finish a product or launch it? That's a common problem with many new (and not-so-new) marketers. That's why Info Product Blueprint gives you a proven plan to take you from idea to launch. We provide the structure and all you have to do is follow along.

BETA Team Membership Is Only Available For a Limited Time—No Hype!

I know all about the hyped limited offers game. And I'm sure you do, too. But this limited offer is real - I will be pulling this offer down soon because I've learned without a clear deadline people just don't take action and I don't wait "Soon disease" to creep into your live and stagnate your progress.

So, if you want to be part of the BETA team, you need to act now.

Decide if you want the income, the lifestyle, maybe even the stardom (if that appeals to you). Then take action. If you're willing to step forward, I'm willing to help you achieve everything you want.

It's your decision.

YES, Ken, I Want Be on the BETA Team and Have REAL Success
With Info Products.

Give me full access right now!

I know a good deal when I see one. I'm ready to commit to the BETA Team and invest $97 before you change your mind and raise the price. I realize that I'm only one product away from the money and lifestyle I've always dreamed of—and Info Product Blueprint can help me realize that dream.

Claim Your BETA Team Position Right Now!

One Low Investment Of

Info Product Blueprint Beta (Life-time Membership)

Helping you realize your dreams,

Kenneth A. McArthur

PS: If you're ready to eliminate the excuses and take your rightful place among the marketing stars, you know what to do. Follow my proven, step-by-step plan and create your own profitable info product. Start today, start right now.

PPS: I am completely serious about the money-back guarantee. If you are not happy, please request a refund. I will gladly return your payment.

PPPS: Our beta program will close soon, so please don't wait.


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