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Welcome to Info Product Blueprint.

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Take a moment to congratulate yourself for taking action. So many people decide they ‘want to take action’ but never take the first step.

You’ve taken the first step and Info Product Blueprint will guide you through developing a plan for an information product in your time frame, your choice of subject and your expertise.

We have videos, audios and written materials so whether you like to listen, see or write to learn and develop your plan, you have the tools in hand to get yourself into real action.

We’ve gathered a team of Internet marketing experts to share their tips and techniques with you. Each has developed their specialty or niche and their own way of telling their story or expertise.

Listen to their words, not only for the information, but the way they put their words together. Each expert lets their own unique personality come through their writing. You’ll hear and see many effective styles for getting a message to an audience.

Make notes about each expert to help you develop your own ‘voice’ when writing and developing your message.

In the workbook, each section builds on the one before. Complete the exercises and questions as you go through each module. When you’ve completed the workbook, you’ll have the start of your info product and a blueprint for its launch.

Remember, it’s only a start because so few people take action and DO.

In the words of John Pierpont Morgan, “The wise man bridges the gap by laying out the path by means of
which he can get from where he is to where he wants to go.” So gather pen, pencil, and some extra

Let’s get your personal information product blueprint going. And get ready to launch!

Above, you’ll find links to all the important areas of the Info Product Blueprint membership site. Enjoy the site and definitely let us know if you have any questions via our help desk at